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Hours of Operation

Monday to Thursday: 9am to 5pm

Friday: 9am to 4pm

Family & Divorce

We prefer for the sake of minimizing legal costs to the client to try to negotiate a resolution of the issues by way of a Separation Agreement if at all possible. However, we are prepared to proceed by way of Court application including a divorce in order to protect your interests. We are also experienced with comprehensive Cohabitation Agreements, Marriage Contracts, Parenting Agreements and Relative Adoptions so as to provide well rounded service in the complex area of Family Law.

Collaborative Family Law

We offer Collaborative Family Law, which is a legal process and enables separating couples to work with their lawyers in order to avoid the uncertain outcome of court. The intent of Collaborative Family Law is to achieve a settlement that best meets the specific needs of both parties and their children without the threat of potential litigation. The couple signs a contract (called the "participation agreement"), voluntarily binding themselves to the process and disqualifying their respective lawyer's right to act for either one in any family related litigation in the future.